Safety tips for this Deepavali

Deepavali Festival:

Safety tips for this Deepavali Deepavali is one of the most anticipated festivals of every year. It is that time of the year where all the family members reunite for celebrating the good over evil, share joy and happiness with everyone be it family, friends and neighbours. Family members travel to their home town or to their family members so that they can celebrate Deepavali with their near and dear ones.

Mothers and grandmothers start preparing sweets and savouries for their entire family with lots of love and happiness. Families go out shopping and purchase lots of new dress and cracker. The mood among the entire nation is upbeat during the Deepavali festival time and lots of gifts are shared with their loved ones during this festival season.

Leaders from the local community to world leaders extend their greetings on this Deepavali day wishing everyone to celebrate the festival happily and safely.


Deepavali and Corona This year 2020 has been more like cricket 20-20 matches where nothing is predictable. Coronavirus has turned the world upside down and brought many things to a halt. In terms of education, technology has made its impact by enabling long-distance education via online classes. Even then, parents and teachers feel that there is no replacement for live classes as in classroom setup. But this pandemic has brought technology to the forefront and how it can be leveraged even during non-pandemic times.

It is still unclear when there will be a vaccine or cure for this deadly coronavirus. World Government’s are still unable to bring the virus under control even though many steps such as lockdown, isolation and other strategies are being adopted.

It is the responsibility of each and every individual to follow their government’s instructions regarding coronavirus and ensure that it does not spread making the situation worse and negating the steps taken by the government.

A few safety tips for this Deepavali while bursting crackers:

As the Coronavirus tends to spread during contact between people and air droplets making the virus the spread easily to many people, it is highly advisable to take precautions while shopping. Instead of going in groups, the head of the family who is healthy without any medical conditions can be designated to make the purchase on the family behalf. The designated person shall take all precautions while making the purchase by wearing a mask all the time, maintaining social distance and washing hands at regular intervals.

1. Keep hand sanitizer away from any inflammable source.
2. Avoid wearing loose and easily inflammable clothes made of polyester or nylon while bursting crackers.
3, Ensure the deepam or diyas are kept at a safe distance from the crackers and kids.
4. Use soap & water to wash your hands after using crakers.
5. Take precautions in case of elderly & kids are present around.
6. Keep a bucket of clean water and first aid kit handy.
7. Dispose of sparklers in a separate bucket of water.
8. Do not burst crackers while holding it in hand.
9. Do not rub your eyes or touch your face while handling crackers.
10. Splash your eyes with plenty of clean water in case chemicals enter your eyes. Contact the doctor if required.
11. Make sure your surrounding is safe to burst crackers and there are no thatched hut or inflammable materials which might catch fire easily.
12. Kids should not be allowed to burst crackers and young teenagers should burst crackers only under adult supervision.
13. Keep a safe distance from crackers while lighting it by using a long handle incense stick.
14. Try to avoid too much smoke emitting crackers so that elderly, kids and people having medical conditions such as asthma, heart problem or major health issues are not put into inconvenience.
15. Do not collect ad burn the leftover cracker papers as there is a chance of not burst crackers in the pile and blow up suddenly causing injury.

In case of any emergency, contact the Firestation or Ambulance helpline numbers immediately. Please keep in mind the safety tips for this Deepavali while bursting crackers. Be Safe and Stay Safe.

As we are nearing the end of the year and we all shall pray and hope that this Deepavali brings good news regarding Coronavirus and this pandemic is brought to an end soon.

Shepherds MHSS Management wishes it teachers, staff, students and everyone a very happy and safe Deepavali!